Saturday 11 July 2009

Meditation for Social Workers

Social workers are under stress due to:

* large case loads
* not enough supervision and support from
* very complex cases
* lack of resources to meet peoples needs
* a blame culture
* dealing with peoples problems day in day out
* a lot of responsibility on your shoulders
* stress and pain in the body

A Social worker in Dudley PCT -
How can meditation practise help?

'In terms of relaxation, reducing stress, keeping calm in the face of adversity really & helping to address all the issues mentioned'

Meditation practise not only helps to make the mind relaxed and peaceful but it also helps the mind to become more dynamic and as a result a more creative response to adversity.
Social workers are under a lot of stress due to the nature of their work - if they can create for themselves space in the mind then not only do they enjoy their work more their own sense of wellbeing increases.

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